Therefore the final expansion "Greatly Reduced Cost" is a 30% discount. Each expansion that reduces the cost of gifts will reduce the price by 10%. The Availability column shows what Item Shop expansion is needed for them to appear in the shop. The table below lists all the gifts and notes which characters they're favorited or disliked.
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You can use "License" building material to upgrade the Item Shop to have them sell better quality gifts and even reduce the cost of purchasing them. To receive new gifts, you'll new to expand the Item Shop. If a character likes a gift you've given them, but it isn't their favorite, the space will simply be blank. While exploring the monastery, the player may approach a character and invite. They become available after completing the quest Tea for Two, first offered by Ferdinand in Chapter 4. Tea Parties are a social activity that Byleth can engage in with the students and faculty of the Officers Academy and staff of Garreg Mach Monastery. Yuri wishes to find a willing teacher to guide him and his comrades who consider themselves. Tea Parties are a bonding activity in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. A young man with an androgynous appearance, he is the bearer of the Major Crest of Aubin. If you haven't given them that gift before it'll show "?" you'll see on the gift list. Yuri is the leader of the Ashen Wolves who reside in the Abyss, a secluded area under the Garreg Mach Monastery’s Officer’s Academy. You could sift through each character’s info card in your menu to see their likes and dislikes and make educated guesses, or you can use our Fire Emblem: Three Houses gift guide below. This is not the case in Fire Emblem: Three Hopes.Īfter you've given a gift to a character, the game will mark it with a heart if it's their favorite or an empty grey heart if they dislike it. In FE: Three Houses, favorite gifts increased it by two-thirds instead. You can give your characters as many gifts as you want. The higher the quality, the greater amount of support points they'll yield when gifted. Each gift ranges in quality from 1 to 5 stars. If you give them a gift they dislike, it'll still increase their support points slightly, but it will not increase their morale gauge at all. Giving a character their favorite will double the number of support points gained. In Fire Emblem: Three Hopes gifts will increase the Morale Gauge by one-third whether it's the character's favorite or not. A book containing the designs of 21 identified Crests.

Aromatic tea leaves suited for a noble’s refined taste. Those who've played FE: Three Houses will recognize this gauge however in this game, it works a little differently. A feather from a messenger owl that can be used in a variety of ways. This will also increase a character's morale. Giving characters gifts increases your bonds increase with characters, which can be essential for getting new Support Ranks.